Our City?
A Placemaking Europe Publication
Тhese naive and silly characters filling up hundreds of red pages illustrate a rather big range of research insights, local stories and approaches of urban strategy and city development. Presented by our friends at STIPO (a consultancy team based in the Netherlands) OUR CITY? has the aim to give a better understanding of why people are disconnected from their urban environment and how to use placemaking to give them back the feeling that public spaces truly represent and serve them. Given the task to design the layout, our studio thought the book needed a loud and lively voice. We revived the cities visually, we made them breathe, play and work in the setting of the "red book” (as we have named it). We decided to make people and houses literally live together as STIPO provokes readers to activate the public spaces in their cities because that’s the way to make yourself truly feel at home.